


各种规模的组织都面临着日益严重的网络安全威胁, 从勒索软件攻击到社会工程活动. Compounding these challenges are increased regulatory compliance demands, designed to protect sensitive data and intellectual property from falling into the wrong hands. 随着网络攻击达到历史最高水平, you need a direct view into the strength of your security program and what it needs to remain effective.

如果你在网络安全控制和合规性方面挣扎, 或者不知道你的立场, RSM US LLP的网络安全 快速评估 能提供你需要的洞察力和细节吗.

RSM的 customized cybersecurity assessment determines your risk exposure, includes advice on potential process gaps and realistic action plans, and provides you with a high-level view of your organization’s cybersecurity maturity. 主要交付成果包括:


一个网络人如何 风险评估 可以帮助保护您的业务吗

网络安全的 快速评估 is particularly beneficial to establish baselines for your current security program, benchmark your maturity against peers and identify critical points of weakness. It also reveals whether gaps stem from weaknesses in personnel, processes or technology. This helps your organization prioritize areas of remediation and allocate resources where they are most needed.

谁需要 风险评估?

根据 RSM US Middle Market Business Index 网络安全 Special Report, nearly 68% of executives surveyed expect that unauthorized users will attempt to breach their data or systems this year. 一个网络安全 快速评估 can help your organization gain a better understanding of your security program and communicate program maturity to key stakeholders, 客户和供应商. 自 快速评估 涵盖了广泛的安全控制, your organization can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, 相应地制定计划,并随着时间的推移标记进展.


RSM的 快速评估 includes an information security assessment and our cyberthreat intelligence services, all tailored to the unique needs of your industry and your specific security concerns.

  • NIST网络安全框架评估: 这个评估, based on the framework established by the National Institute of Standards and 技术, 是基于面试的安全控制审查吗. The effectiveness of each control is determined by evaluating its policies, procedures and formal governance as well as its technical implementation. Assessment of all your controls provides insight into the maturity of your security program.
  • 网络威胁情报服务: Nearly all the data stolen from companies is located in the deep web and the dark web, areas difficult to access and navigate without a high level of knowledge and experience. We investigate these areas and common threat actor communication platforms to determine if attackers are currently targeting your organization or industry.

最重要的是,RSM努力达到我们的第一. 1 .目标:客户满意. 我们通过三个原则来实现这一目标:

Operational excellence, customer focus, and continuous innovation and improvement


除了通过我们的网络安全提供的服务 快速评估, we provide the following add-on services for clients who want a deeper look at certain aspects of their security program:

  • 战略和业务规划: 通过这个过程, our team uncovers areas that require better protections for critical data and systems, and provides valuable data analytics and planning to align your security program with your company mission. Use this service to strengthen security and risk management initiatives and incorporate them into current and future budgets, 同时还分析了安全支出, 评估安全项目的有效性, and determining whether security personnel are properly utilized.
  • 事件响应桌面: These sessions are discussion-based simulations that apply incident response plans (IRPs) to realistic scenarios. The goal of these exercises is to gain a better understanding of the incident response documentation currently in place, 包括通知程序, 升级和遏制, and to evaluate how your staff would respond to a security incident. This service includes review of lessons learned from simulations. 拥有一个经过测试的IRP, as well as personnel familiar with the policies and procedures associated with this plan, 能否减少安全事件的影响.
  • 防火墙的评价: 防火墙通常是网络的第一道防线, 但往往表现出明显的弱点, 让攻击变得更容易. A firewall assessment analyzes your configuration line by line and ensures it meets best practices and utilizes effective hardening techniques.

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RSM的 quick cross-functional team mitigates food company’s cyberattack

The fast response of our cross-functional team reduced further cyberattack damage to this leading supplier of food products.

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